Old Geezer IDPA

Upcoming events

Match Details

"Old Geezer" IDPA matches and shooting sessions are run by the old geezers of Sanner's Lake who have nothing better to do on weekday mornings.  

The regular Geezer match is held on Tuesday mornings in the Dynamic Pits and follows all normal IDPA rules. Setup starts at 8am and the match starts when setup is complete or 9am, whichever is later.  In the winter, however, setup starts at 9am and the match starts when setup is complete.

On Friday mornings the geezers run an informal skills development training session in Dynamic Pits 3-5. They start setting up practice stages at around 9am and shooting begins when setup is complete.

All matches are open to the public.  Please arrive on time to prepare your equipment and assist with set up. 

Contact a match director (info below) to be placed on distribution for match announcements (such as setup times and possible cancellations) and sign-up links.

Match Directors:

James Jackson (JJ):

Royce Grumbles:

Jim Habercam:

Registration for the Tueday matches is conducted on Practiscore.  Go to and search for “Sanners” and then complete the registration form for the desired match after it opens. Registration opens each Sunday morning at 5:00 am.  There is no registration required for the Friday skills development sessions, but you should contact a match director (listed above) if you have not shot IDPA at Sanner's Lake previously. 

Match Results

Search Practiscore:

using the key word "sanners" to see results from all recent IDPA matches

Sanners Lake Sportmen's Club
PO Box 1300, Lexington Park, MD 20653

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