Military Woodstock

This match is for those nearly-forgotten (but not by us!) classic wooden-stocked long guns used in any aspect of military service prior to 1961.  Krags, Springfields, Carcanos, Mausers, Mosins, Thompsons, Garands, M1 Carbines, Trench Guns (slugs only), BARs, caplocks, flintlocks, wheel locks, and even matchlocks are all good candidates as long as some military in some country used it in some capacity.  You wanna blast away with your civil war musket and try to obscure the targets for the rest of us?  Fine, as long as you can load and shoot 10 times in 10 minutes!  No gun-mounted scopes or optics...iron sights only.  Peep or aperture sights acceptable.  No sporterized or "bubba" guns.  No composite stocks or bedded actions.  Reproductions are acceptable as long as they are reasonably representative of military issue.  All rifles must be reasonably serviceable and safe, and all SLSC restrictions apply (e.g. no 50BMG, full auto, etc).  Check with the match director if you have any questions.    

See below for More Info and our Upcoming Matches.

Current Match Report

Sanner’s Lake Woodstock Match Report – October 2024

A beautiful October fall afternoon made for excellent shooting conditions, a full firing line, and a fitting end to the 2024 season of Woodstock matches at Sanner’s Lake!  The scores were strong all day but in the end it was classic M1 Garands dominating the leader board, with new Woodstock shooter Daniel Maine coming out at the top of the heap in both the combined and individual score categories.  Good job Daniel!  Further down the line Dave Kelnberger was back with his Two Band Enfield belching smoke and fire and ending up with a 12 point increase in his combined score over last month, a considerable improvement considering the pace of fire and extremely rudimentary sights on the Enfield.  Nicely done!  See all the scores and details below.  


Thanks to everyone who put their vintage warhorses on the line and made the 2024 Woodstock season competitive and entertaining and (most of all) fun!  We’ll get back to it in the spring of 2025, see you then...

A history lesson on the firing line:

Where there's smoke...

...there's fire!

More Info

Match Description
  • Three strings of ten shots each at an SR-21 target at 100 yards. Each string lasts ten minutes. Score and repair targets in between each string.  Total of thirty rounds/thirty minutes for score plus sighters.   
  • Open to the public.  Non-members coordinate with match director for gate access.



  • 3rd Thursday of the Month; March – October
  • Schedule: 3:15 - gate opens for setup and sign in. First relay: sighters at 4:00, shooting for score starts around 4:15.  Second relay (if needed): sighters at 5:15, shooting for score starts around 5:30.


  • $5


  • Just one: wooden-stocked long guns used in military service by any nation prior to 1961. Iron sights only. No gun-mounted scopes or optics.  

Equipment Needed:

  • 30 rounds ammunition (required) , plus sighting rounds (optional)
  • Spotting scope (optional, but very helpful)
  • Front rest and rear bag if desired - no one-piece rests

Course of Fire Details

  • NRA SR-21 targets at 100 yards. 
  • Three strings of 10 shots in 10 minutes. 
  • Thirty shots total plus sighters.


  • 100 points possible for each string, 300 points total.
  • Shooters ranked by highest individual score and highest combined score.
  • Ties broken by X's, then by highest individual string (for combined scores), then by fewest hits of lowest value. 
  • As above. Match director has the final say for any judgment calls!

Sanners Lake Sportmen's Club
PO Box 1300, Lexington Park, MD 20653

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