Southern Maryland Two Gun

Southern Maryland Two Gun is a practical shooting match utilizing both rifle and pistols somewhat similar to an IDPA match. Rifles are limited to intermediate calibers but handguns may be of any type, excluding rimfire. Competitors will be shooting primarily at paper targets interspersed with the occasional clay pigeon, steel, or other reactive target. While infrequent, there may be any number of "blind stages" during a match where the brief is limited and the competitor will not get the chance to see the stage before shooting. Round count per stage will vary depending on the stage and the number of targets but will not require more than one rifle reload and/or two pistol reloads. Any carbine or rifle that complies with the muzzle energy limit is welcome but the emphasis will be on home defense and duty rifles, similarly any handgun is permitted but the emphasis is on practical firearms. Round count is specific to each match but bringing 100-150 per gun is more than enough.  All sign-ups will be via Practiscore.

Upcoming events

Match Details

Send an email to the match director at:

to receive match announcements, sign up links, and match reports

Latest Match

Southern Maryland 2 Gun Winter Match Report


It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…

It was a dry start, it was a wet end,

It was an on-time start (almost), it was a late end,

It was guns running smooth, it was malfunctions on the clock,

It was guns reliably chugging through the rain, it was charging handles snapping in half,

It was a happy match, it was a sad match.

The announcement of the potential closure of Sanner’s Lake cast a bit of a pall over the day.  That made the match a bit sweeter, knowing it may be one of the last. Mark had another tough stage setup on the rifle range. I think those 50 yard pistol shots ate a lot of shooters’ lunches.  Check your score on stages 4 and 5 for pure speed bragging rights.

Thanks to the Friday setup crew: Mark, Jake, Anibal, Matt Reider, and Jeremy. Also, thanks to everyone who got there to set up early on Saturday, especially whoever set the back targets on Stage 1. Looking at a sea of brown with a red dot or scope was brilliantly frustrating. Also, thanks to everyone who helped tear down in the rain, Matt Morton and Bryant Williams deserve a special shout-out for extra effort. 

Now for the match accolades:

Congratulations to Dan Hernandez for overcoming his choice of an AK and taking the overall and Open wins!

Michael Neal finally dethroned the great Anibal to take the Prepper division win.

The Lee family once again swept Ironman with Nicholas coming in first in that division as well as being our top Junior!

Joseph Livi took first in Tac-Limited as well as being the high Active Duty competitor.

Kenneth Lee broke the mold and decided to win Tac-Scope instead of competing in Ironman showing that learning to shoot irons really does pay off!

Scores posted on Practiscore: Practiscore SOMD 2 Gun Winter 2025

Photos taken by the great Sandi Kinney: Flickr Photos

Special recognition must be given to Andrea Swierczek for High Lady, Great shooting! And a small apology is in order for Sean Craig, somehow his score for Stage 5 got missed and looking at the results there may have been others caught in the mix up.

The next Southern Maryland Two Gun match is currently scheduled for July 19th, but we may try to get one in before that. Keep an eye out for an email.

Also keep a lookout for the signup announcement for the Carbine Classic on March 29, 2025.

-Jeremy Hanson, Jake Swierczek, and Anibal Delgado

Match Pictures


Sledgehammers are not recommended for remedial action.

Matt Thompson blasting a target off the frame thanks to his three-oh-hate.

All smiles in Squad 5!

More Info

Match Directors

Match Description

  • Typically 5-10 stages of paper and other assorted targets.  May include drop-turners, swingers, clay pigeons, or other interesting shooting challenges.


  • Open to those with previous dynamic shooting experience from competition or training environments.


  • SLSC Dynamic Shooting Pits, Rifle Range, Archery Range, Woods Walk, and Bullseye range as needed.


  • One Summer and one Winter match as the SLSC calendar permits
  • Match begins at 9AM; sign in between 8:00-8:45 AM


  • SLSC members $10
  • Non-members $15
  • Children (under 18 with a paid parent/guardian/adult) and active duty Military or Law Enforcement shoot free.

  • Open division: No restrictions on equipment other than those specified below.

  • Ironman ClassOnly iron sights allowed on both rifle and pistol. Sights can be of any configuration or design provided they are metallic or equivalent and provide no visible illumination, magnification, or other optical enhancements.  No more than one set of sights allowed on either firearm. Pistol magazines must not exceed 140mm in length, rifle magazines must not be loaded above 30 rounds.

  • Tac-Limited ClassOne electronic or illuminated sight is permitted on rifles. Illuminated sights originally designed to be capable of magnification (whether used or not) are prohibited. Pistols must use iron sights as defined above. Pistol magazines must not exceed 140mm in length, rifle magazines must not be loaded above 30 rounds.

  • Tac-Scope ClassOnly one optical or electronic sight capable of magnification is permitted on rifles. Pistols must use iron sights as defined above. Pistol magazines must not exceed 140mm in length, rifle magazines must not be loaded above 30 rounds.

  • PrepperNo gear requirements or restrictions except that everything used must be carried on the competitor's person throughout every stage and during the whole day (beginning of the safety brief to the last round fired). Anything dropped or not carried is "out of play", this includes water, food, rifles, spare parts, etc., however magazines dropped during a stage may be reused. Backpacks and gear may be removed briefly between stages to retrieve necessary equipment (food, ammo, etc) provided everything stays within arm’s reach of the competitor. Asking other competitors to retrieve equipment for you from your gear is allowed.

Equipment Needed:

  • Carbine and ammunition that meets SLSC dynamic pit requirements
    • M855 or any “armor piercing” ammunition is prohibited when shooting steel targets at the rifle range 
  • Handgun and ammunition that is serviceable and safe
  • At least two magazines per firearm and pouches from which to reload
  • A serviceable and safe holster that securely retains the handgun during physical activity
  • Empty chamber indicator flag.
  • Roughly 100-150 rounds of ammunition per gun.  Check match announcement for minimum round count and always bring extra as make up shots are generally allowed. 
  • YES! Braced pistols, “firearms”, and legal AOW’s/SBR’s are allowed.
  • Suppressors are encouraged!  Remind your RO to keep the timer microphone close, especially for your last shot.  

Course of Fire Details

  • Begin at the designated start position with empty chamber indicator inserted and pistol holstered with hammer down/striker forward on empty chamber.
  • Upon direction from Safety Officer remove empty chamber indicator or draw pistol to load firearms as described in course description.
  • At start signal proceed through course as described.
  • Reloads may be performed at the competitor’s discretion unless otherwise mandated in the stage description.
  • If finished, stop and wait for command to unload and show clear. Rifles will be flagged and pistols will be re-holstered with hammer down/striker forward on empty chamber.


  • Score will be the total time for the stage plus penalties for missed targets and rules infractions.
  • Time penalties for missed targets may vary depending upon the stage and will be briefed as part of the stage description.
  • Additional penalties may be assessed as noted in the stage brief.
  • Overall score is the combined time for each stage plus penalties.


Sanners Lake Sportmen's Club
PO Box 1300, Lexington Park, MD 20653

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